As we all sit down to enjoy the Christmas festivities, many will be fearing the future, the present and also questioning their past.
When I say all will be enjoying, there will of course be many that will not be able too because of factors outside out of there control and of course the usual fate, luck or lack of luck itself.
A small mistake, a wrong decision or a small mis judgement can seriously and sometimes quite catastrophically spiral out of control and destroy whole families lives. With large sections of our society and establishment that just sit back and ignore or are even the contributing factors to the problem and or people’s pain and suffering.
I usually enjoy Christmas but I will admit with all the pain and suffering you see all around us from both in this country and abroad, along with my own families challenge’s I’m finding it very difficult to get into the spirit of the Christmas; this will also be the same for many more families.
On a personal level, I will have to make changes (again) in the new year to my working life and move partially away from gardening but not completely (I love it too much).
This is something that I was going to do and had already started to put into place but certain issues have messed with the timings and so I will have to speed things up.
Exciting times but also challenging times. Having to deal with the very real and important financial side of it all, along with the bullshit side of the finances.
The country can head blindly into the uncertain bollocks of ‘Brexit’ but for others who have changes in mind, you have to have a plan in place along with a ‘financial forecast’.
A change for a better on a very minute scale (compared to the bigger picture) and you need to provide blood samples from yourself, your pets and from anyone you’ve known in the last twenty five years but……. you can lead a whole nation into total ‘fucking financial ruin’ with no or very little plan whatsoever.I am though, still a lot more lucky than most.
When your hear of nurses having to use food banks, schools emailing already struggling parents for more money, certain councils preparing eviction notices in preparation for the introduction of Universal Credit in their area, and every other service you can think of has been bled dry by cuts. This angers and disappoints me on so many levels.
Especially when you have certain lying, patronising, contradicting politicians telling us that we are a extremely wealthy country but every country has to balance it’s books.
True (ish)?!
Although, whilst every single person/family also has to budget and balance their books, if we get it wrong, we are punished for it on so many levels.
Nurses, doctors, carers, teachers to name but a few are the lifeblood/engine that powers this country, and with any engine….. you need to look after it and not starve it of fuel!
Then of course you have the children.
Children carry the past in their genes, they live in the now and THEY are the future.
So why is our present day government/establishment hitting the most important, vulnerable people in our society?
Whether it be via cuts in our health service, schools, policing, these all have dangerous and negative affects on our children, either directly or indirectly. Plus with the the threat of Brexit looming, you could very easy understand them thinking that….. the adults have let them down.
Children are our future doctors, nurses, politicians, cleaners, carers, students and of cause…… gardeners.
We need our children to succeed from all areas of our society and not just those from Eton!
So what’s the answer to this all? Is there one?
Well politicians could start listening and I mean…… really listening!
I don’t mean in a patronising way either.
Or in a patronising way that is also hand in hand with an obvious LIE!
I know many politicians do this to a point but a certain Mrs M*y has gotten this down to a fine art form.
For some of the completely ‘blind sighted politicians’, try entering into the real world and stop telling us how it is, because….. you know ‘Jack fucking shit’!
Life is too short and so is time, but we all need to take time out and think before we act/speak. We all have the right to express our opinions but we should all think how our words, actions will affect others. When I say others, I mean those who are close to us and those who are not.
Wasn’t quite sure how to end this post, so here’s a little number for some of our wonderful politicians…..
Admittedly, I may have used this video before and for the same reason.