We always have our open day early April usually within the first two weeks of the month. Each year, we cross our fingers hoping that the Prunus x yedoensis ‘Somei-Yoshino’ will still be flowering for the open day but this year, unfortunately it hadn’t even started flowering. Thanks to our prolonged winter the garden is approximately four weeks behind. A week after the open day, it started flowering and as usual…. it didn’t disappoint.
This is a truly spectacular Japanese flowering cherry and I think this must be my plant of the season.
It is a small deciduous tree that has a spreading habit, reaching approximately 12 – 15 feet in height and a spread of approximately 15 – 20 feet.
They have beautiful white/pink fragrant flowers in early spring.
I often say it but if you do have the room….this is a must have tree. I know there are many Japanese flowering cherries to choose from but this one has that certain ‘Je ne sais quoi’.
There are a few other little beauties just round the corner in the garden, that are beginning to show there faces….isn’t spring a wonderful time of year.
You might recognise the next one from my Wordless Wednesday post.
Now, there is one Japanese flowering cherry tree that I would absolutely love, for both the name and the tree itself. It is a real beauty but it would also be good one to have when doing tours and someone says ‘what’s name of that one’.
Prunus x subhirtella ‘Fukubana’
Childish I know!
My anemones have only just appeared above ground, they are so late I thought I had lost them or maybe the badger had eaten them
Ours were a little late as well but they are giving us a good display now.