At the end of a very busy week involving the May ball set up and clear up, plus the usual June activities in the garden; I had been asked to come back and judge Bourns Garden Club annual Rose and Flow show. Alright, being on a Thursday evening it wasn’t quite at the end of the week but I was off skiving the following day (days holiday) so this for me, was the perfect end to a busy week.
For those of you who read my blog regularly, you may remember that I was asked to judge their flower show for the first time last year (An unexpected journey). This was at the time, something I thought I would never be asked to do but I loved every minute of it. So when I was asked to come back for a second time, I was more than happy to do so.
As with last year I was made very welcome by everyone who was there. I was also met with wonderful smells from all the flowers, herbs, fruits, salads and vegetables plants grown and carefully prepared for the show. When you walk into the village hall you are also met with a great palette of colour and as with last year….the standard was very high.
When it came to the judging all of the twelve categories, it was very difficult to do as all the entries were worthy winners. As I said last year, all these gardening clubs you get around the country are massively important to the local communities, getting people together and to the whole horticultural community. I have been and will go again but you can keep your Chelsea’s and Hampton Court shows; it’s places like the Bourn Garden Club, is where the TRUE heart of horticulture lies! I could rant on about this subject for ages but I’ll park up my soap box now and get on with the post.
Hope you enjoy the following photos.
Of course there is one category I will always look out for and that is the kids section. If garden clubs are a avenue where children can gain an interest in gardening, this will always be a big plus point in my book.
All are worthy of 1st place.
So there you have have it, a wonderful collection of garden delights lovingly grown from around the gardens of Bourn in Cambridgeshire; a great selection for any flower show.
So a big thank you for the Bourn Garden Club for inviting me back and I will see you all on the 6th of November.
I do love to see these events. As you say, it is the grass roots of horticulture. And I’m a sucker for traditions such as this. A fantastic display!
So do I – it would be a shame if they where to die out.
Oh, my. I’m half a world away and I can smell all those lovelies. To have been there in person…
The scent hit you as soon as you walked in – wonderful 🙂
Our local Village Show is in July and I await it with a mixture of dread and fierce competition. Although I am usually cursing trying to match 4 potatoes after having dug up a whole row I would be very sad if it folded. The banter is great fun and the excitement of winning a category brilliant. love from The Undisputed Garlic Champion of Lee (3 years running)
I only see a few people prior to the judging and I’m gone before the crowds comeback – so I don’t see any of the fierce competition. I do pick up on the excitement and enthusiasm from those who are there though 🙂
I really love these shows, you are quite right, this is grass roots stuff, where it happens in real life. Lovely photos too.